
Code Snippets App API

Project Description

This project is about creating an API for a repository of code snippets in different programming languages.

Get the full code:

git clone https://github.com/bm-zi/snippet-app-api.git


The project created based on Django Rest Framework Tutorial

Now assuming the docker and docker-compose is installed and configured properly on you local host, then you can follow the instruction to get this API launched.

Run the following commands from main project directory:


docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python manage.py makemigrations core"
docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python manage.py migrate"
docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python manage.py createsuperuser"
docker-compose up


Or run the setup.sh script from main project directory:

sh setup.sh

After creating a super user and bringing up the server, you can create a token for admin authentication at this following url:

Then you can include authentication token in the header of your browser. I use ModHeader for firefox browser.

You also can view the API documentation in swagger from url:

For start, you can post the following json payload to following url, to create a sample code snippet in database.

  "language_name": "python",
  "style": "colorful",
  "linenos": false,
  "highlighted": "",
  "source_code": {
    "title": "my first code snippet",
    "author": "bm-zi",
    "code": "print('Hello world')",
    "notes": "no notes",
    "url": "http://example.com/first_code",
    "status": "C",
    "rating": 1,
    "is_favorite": true
  "tags": [{
    "name": "Django Rest Framework"